Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cartridge Giveaway.... CHA... the Circle....

Headed to CHA  with ProvoCraft's Cricut Circle tomorrow!!!  CHA is just a couple of days away and we've got a busy weekend planned  - it's going to be a great time!  We'll be checking in with many of the Cricut Circle's fabulous sponsors...  Imaginisce, Echo Park, Cosmo Cricket, Teresa Collins, etc...  so awesome!  On Friday, the day before CHA, the Provo Craft will be having a crop for the Circle members, where they will get a peak at what Provo Craft will be revealing at CHA on Saturday! 

If I can get the cooperation of my camera and my netbook, I'll try to post pictures from CHA for you!  In the meantime, I've got this cartridge to give away to one of my followers.   This is a must-have cartridge!!

For a chance to win this cartridge, follow me and leave a comment telling me what other craft, other than paper-crafting, you like to do.  What's your favorite thing to make? (While its not necessarily my favorite thing to make, I'm darn good at making a mess!)   As usual, if you spread the word and come back here and comment again with a link, it'll get you another chance!   

I'll select a winner by random drawing  Thursday am, 2/3/11.  Be sure to check back.

Thank you Provo Craft for your generosity in giving cartridges to share with my readers!


  1. Hi, Cindy! I didn't think I NEEDED this cartridge until I saw Court's project using it this morning at Betty Bee's Buzz.

    I also like to knit. I only knit dishrags and I only do it on long car rides :) I also enjoy painting pecan resin Santa Claus', but I haven't painted in YEARS ever since I learned to stamp to make cards. Making cards is my favorite crafty thing to do.

  2. Woo Hooo!! I love cartridge giveaways!! (maybe oh maybe one day I will win one of them hee hee)
    Lucky you getting to go to CHA!! I know your excited and I'm excited for you! I'm already a follower and I'm going now to post this to my blog!! Have a wonderful time and I'll be back to see what all went on at the convention! Hugs, Leanne
    Tobusyscrapping at

  3. Darn, I forgot to add what other things I like to make! I like to cross stitch but haven't done that in awhile it hurts my eyes to much now but I used to cross stitch all day and into the night!! I have added this to my blog also!! Thanks again,
    To busyscrapping at bellsouth dot net

  4. I love this cartridge! I would love to win!
    I only papercraft and I never really considered myself to be creative until I got a Cricut. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. Wish I could be there with you guys. love this cartridge, My other favorite thing to do is paint. It doesn't matter if it is a room or a rock, I love to change things around.. thanks, cheryl antley

  6. Have fun at CHA, can't wait to see the pics of the new products. I love to make afghans but haven't really done it in a while because I have been papercrafting. Right now I am helping my 6 y/o DD make a scarf with the Knifty Knitter and she loves it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  7. I posted about this in my sidebar. Thanks for the extra chance to win.

  8. Thanks for the chance to win!! I like to knit, but I only know how to do scarves--LOL! I'm going to try the knifty knitter when I have time to make something other than a scarf :)

  9. Hi Cin!
    Oh yeah..this is on my NEED list for sure! Thank you for the chance to win! I like to organize...I'm not sure where that comes from, but I like to make sure whatever the task at hand makes sense. Let me point out that there is a difference between organizing and cleaning. But I will say that my messes are very well organized...LOL.
    Enjoy CHA my friend!
    Have a safe trip!

  10. Once upon a time, long long ago when my kids were little I cross stitched. When I look back on it now I wonder how I got that done with little ones running around and having to lay my project down all the time. Hhhhmmmmm, maybe thats why I was always a row off on my stitching. :)
    Have fun at CHA and the Cricut Circle. I"m sure they have wonderful things in store for everyone.

  11. Oh I am real good at making messes! Besides paper I love to cook. Now there I can make a mess.
    Thanks for the chance.
    shewhodreamz at gmail dot com

  12. HAVE FUN!!!

    Making cards and LO's is really what I love to do. I guess my next love would be baking with my kids!


  13. Thanks for the chance to win. I will be there on Friday! I cant wait. I dont know if I really have a fav but I love to try new things but I am pretty much just a paper crafter!

  14. I really only papercraft.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. What a nice cartridge. I can't believe I don't have that one yet. Hope you have a great time at CHA. I'm sure you will. I'll be missing it so I want to say in advance "Thank you" for keeping us updated on all the goodies. Cindy

  16. While my first love is papercrafting, I can also cross stitch and have enjoyed that in the past! Thanks for the chance to win and have fun at CHA!

    Emily (coolcricutcreations at yahoo dot com)

  17. I'll see you at the crop on Friday!

    I love to cook... and knit! :)

  18. i love to also make latch hook rugs and i say reading as well i love to curl up with a good book and get lost in the pages. thanks for the chance to win.

  19. You mean ther is time for other crafting?!? LOL

    Actually other then my paper crafting I am an avid reader.

    Thanks for the opportunity for this fantabulous prize!

  20. Have fun at CHA! U am so jealous!!!
    I also like to sew. My favorite thing to make is quilts. I have made one for each of my 6 kids and one for each of the 6 grandkids.

  21. I also like to cross-stitch, I've made 3 babyquilts for each of my grandkids.
    Thanks for an awesome giveaway, have fun at CHA!!

  22. Thanks for a chance to win this great cart. I love to sew and spend every daylight moment in the spring in my garden. I need a 30 hour day just so I can get it all in. Penny

  23. Thanks for the opportunity to win this cart! If I'm not making cards then I'm spending time reading. I'm not creative in any other way. So many of my friends are shocked that I like paper crafting because they know I can't cook, sew, stitch, etc.... Have fun at CHA. You know we are all anxiously awaiting the news from the convention.

  24. I would love to have this cart!! My other hobbies include photography (goes with papercrafting) and cooking and baking and my favorite thing to make is yummy sweets for my children and husband!!

  25. Thanks for the opportunity to win!! I don't have that looks like I want it now!!! Enjoy CHA, I would love to go sometime HOW EXCITING!!!

    I enjoy using vinyl on just about anything. Lately it has been on picture frames and glass blocks. I have some on my blog

  26. Oh I wish I was going to the Circle crop!!! I live in Cali too, but just couldn't get down there! Boo Hoo! Besides papercrafting, I also like to bake~ mostly with my children!! Thanks for the fun giveaway... I am already a follower!

  27. Let's see..... I love to do cross stitch, and making Japanese crafts called Temari and Bunka. And my favorite thing to do is..... Bake Cookies! (And then eat them.....)

    Wendy T.

  28. Hi Cindy. What a great fun you will have at CHA! I am waiting for your pictures:) Wonderful giveaway! Besides cards, I love silk painting and stained glass (vitraux). I only need some more hours on my day!
    I post your giveaway on my sidebar.
    Enjoy your days at CHA!!
    Hugs, Edith

  29. Besides scrapbooking & cardmaking, I also like to sew a bit. Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. I like to crochet as well as help my daughter with her various projects for school. I hope you have fun at CHA. Thanks, Pam

  31. I enjoy altering picture frames, notesbooks, etc. It makes me happy to see a completed project.

  32. Have lots of fun at cha. Wish I was able to go! I love quilting, knitting, crocheting, sewing, painting, and cooking. I love colour!

  33. I like to crochet but the only thing I know how to make is an afghan. lol

    Thanks for the chance to win.. : )

  34. Thanks for the prompt at the Cricut MB. Have fun at CHA! Thanks for the chance to win this sweet give-away!

  35. Wow what an awesome cartridge! I love all the cuts. Thanks for the chance to win!

    I love Cross stitching! I find is so relaxing, It's my other favorite craft!

    becky.mayhewlear AT gmail DOT com

    www.beckscricards DOT blogspot DOT com

  36. What a great opportunity to go to CHA, I sure hope you have a blast in Aneheim California. Have a wonderful week. and thanks for the awesome blog give away.


  37. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope you enjoy our CA weather! I wish I was going to CHA. But I love to make jewelry as my other hobby. I use beads, or bead I make myself from clay.

  38. What a great giveaway. Have fun at CHA.
    The other thing I enjoy doing is knitting and cross stitch.

  39. Have fun at CHA!! I would love to go sometime and see all the new and upcoming crafting goodies. Other than paper crafting, I love to crochet....I have been crocheting since my grandmother taught me when I was 5.

    Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful cart!!

    Amy ♥

  40. I am starting to get back into sewing. Making my granddaughter dresses, taking a quilt class and I've made 4 purses! FUN

    Have fun at CHA

  41. Even though card making is my FAVORITE hobby, I also enjoy photography, quilling, quilt-making, sewing, and most of all--playing with my grandkids (6 in all). Thanks for sharing all of your ideas and techniques.

  42. I love to sew! Thanks for the giveaway!


  43. Have fun Cindy at CHA. I will be at the summer one for sure, Besides paper crafting I am a avid sewer creater . I have a home based business that keeps me hopping. I make TuTu purses and dresses and aprons etc,,,, Thanks for your great creations you share with us all.
    Linda Harris

  44. I have never really considered myself crafty until I got my cricut. I learn from other blogs and have self taught myself by watching videos. Maybe one day I will teach myself to sew :0)

  45. I love to cook! I also do other arts and crafts, basketry, stained glass, needlework, sewing, quilting! It is a very good thing I have a great Husband! LOL

  46. Have fun at CHA - thanks for the chance to win. I also like to cross stitch and embroider. Hoping to incorporate some of my smaller cross stitches into embellishments in some of my scrapping one day.

  47. Thanks for a chance to win, I also like to cross stitch.

  48. I would LOVE to win this cart!!! I am a long time follower and think both you and your blog are fantastic (seriously!) Anyway, my other passion is knitting. I enjoy making baby items. Have a wonderful trip and we look forward to hearing all about it! AJ - queenofmynest(at)gmail(dot)com

  49. That's a tough one. I barely have enough time to do the paper crafting! Sometimes during winter I like to knit. Not that I really make anything (I've been working on the same blanket for two years now) but I just enjoy doing it while watching TV.

  50. I love to do baking and knitting too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  51. I love to do baking and knitting too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  52. Can't wait to see what is revealed at CHA. I don't do any other crafting besides paper crafting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  53. I like to do machine embroidery projects. Thanks for the giveaway.

  54. I'm so excited about CHA even though I won't be there, I do love to see all the new releases. I also love to sew and quilt. Thanks for this fab giveaway.

  55. I do a little of this and a little of that. I sew,floral,cross stitch, and other needle crafts. Thanks for the give away. Have fun!
    mbchoj at aol dot com

  56. I have done decorative painting in the past and really loved it until I burnt out. Did the craft show circuit and the stress of always trying to have enough inventory finally got to me so I quit. I don't do as much paper crafting as I would like to, but maybe that is God's way of keeping me from burning out again. I love doing home decor items when time allows.--Ryansmaama

  57. I'd love this cartridge it has great boxes for journaling. I enjoy baking and creating neat cupcakes, cookies, and cakes. I have had to stop because I just can't help but eat my creations and I am really trying hard to keep the 100 lbs I lost from ever coming back again!

  58. This cartridge is one of my must haves! For Christmas I got a Knifty Knitter and I've found a new craft I love doing. It's so easy! I've only made hats and am working on a 2nd scarf. So fun!

  59. Great giveaway! I make decorative flip flops with rhinestone beads! Thanks for the chance to win!
    ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com

  60. I knit and paint, but making cards is my favorite craft. Thanks for the chance to win!

  61. Hope you have a great time at CHA! Beside paper crafting, I enjoy cross stitching once in a while. Thank you for the chance to win! :-)

  62. Have a great time at CHA and thanks for the chance to win this cartridge. Besides paper crafting I also love to paint wooden crafts.

  63. I enjoy sewing, quilting. Thanks for the chance to win a cartridge.

  64. OOh I'm so glad I logged onto my blogger dashboard!I like to garden, tho it is hard to tell if your gardening or just fighting off the weeds haha!Thanks

  65. new follower, glad i found ur blog1!! great give away
    i love to cook

  66. New follower...can always use more Cricut inspiration...I don't use it nearly enough.

    Is there something beside papercrafting? LOL On occasion I've been known to sew/quilt and tole paint.

    thanks for the chance to win!

  67. I'm a follower & posted giveaway on my sidebar. Thanks for a great giveaway. Have a great time @ CHA!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  68. I'm a Follower and posted on my website. I like to Read when I'm not crafting. Another hobby that takes a lot of time and offers relaxation.

  69. I am a follower...... Wow that is a great cartridge...I NEED IT!!!!!

    Have Fun at CHA......wish I were there with all you girls!!

    I love to do counted cross stitch, knit, crochet and paint!!!!

  70. I am a follower now! I love to paint wood crafts besides scrapbook!

  71. I love to quilt & do redwork embroidery! Thanks for the chance to win this cart...I've got my fingers crossed!!

  72. I am now a follower-YEAH! I like to do ribbon embroidery in addition to scrapbooking-it is not very popular so it is hard to find new patterns.

  73. Other than scrapbooking I like to crochet, polymer clay, and anything else I can think to make

  74. Hi Cindy
    Wow this is fabulous and thankyou for the chance,i like to do cross stitching and knitting,
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  75. Thanks for the chance to win this cartridge!

    Besides papercrafting, I love to quilt and cross stitch.


  76. although i'm not that great at it I love to knit as well. Love this cart!

  77. I love to paper craft! I never knew I was creative until I started playing with my cricut and making cards. It is now an!!

    Can't wait to hear from you about what's going on at CHA...



  78. What a nice giveaway! Let's see besides papercrafting I love to read!!!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  79. Thanks for this giveaway and chance to win this cartridge. I like to crochet and knit but have been so busy with paper crafting I haven't made anything in quite a while. bettylarryn at yahoo dot com

  80. I posted a link on my blog to your blog about the cartidge giveaway My blog is

  81. I love to knit. Whatever will make a great gift at the time.

  82. My first hobby and something I'd like to get back into is cake decorating. I love baking and I love (or used to anway) trying new decorating techniques.

  83. I am a paper crafter first. But, I do like to make silk flower wreaths for my door! Thanks for the chance to win.

  84. Thank you for the opportunity to win. Have fun at CHA.

  85. The best thing I make is chocolate chip cookies. Thanks for the chance to win this great cartridge!!

  86. In addition to my paper crafts, I love to paint when I have "extra" time.

  87. I love making cards also and just giving them away. This year I want to start doing layouts. I am a follower. Thanks for a chance of winning.

    marjorie_brundage at sbcglobal dot net

  88. I would love to win this sentiments cart! I also love sewing so I have also migrated to the Yudu as well. Gotta love PC for always amazing us!! Hope you are having fun @ CHA. I always follow you, lol. TFS, Mary

  89. i just started knitting with the knifty knitter is so easy once you get it.thaks for the giveaway.

  90. I love love love that cartridge!! Thanks for the opportunity to win it :) My 2nd fave other than papercrafting is making jewelry. I heart beads in all forms..

    Love your blog!! Keep up the fabulous work..


  91. Hi! I also like to cross-stitch. Not enough time lately for it though. I finished making all my kids stockings for Christmas. I love that they will be able to keep them forever and remember that I made it for them.
    Thanks for the chance. I LOVE this cart but have never gotten it. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!
    gaudet5 at rogers dot com

  92. I love to try just about any craft, I love to sew, knit, cross stitch, paint, make jewelery, as long as I am creating I am
    thanks so much for the chance to win, I have had my eye on this cart for a while now...
    brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

  93. thanks for the chance to win this cart. besides scrapbooking and card making I love to garden and even have my own small greenhouse where I grow plants from seed, but living in ND this is only a small part of the year
    upnurse at aol dot com

  94. Thats a really cute cartridge. I love to sew and make simple jewlery projects. Thanks for a chance to win.

  95. WOW!! I've wanted this cart forever!! Since I became a stay at home mommy we've been keeping to a very strict budget; so I've fallen in love with using what I have to make something we need. A can for a pencil holder; a box to help my daughter organize hair things . . . and so on. Thanks so much for the chance!!! :)

    Celeste B.
    mctdbillman at gmail dot com

  96. Hi cindy,
    Thanks for all the photos of CHA, wish I had been there. Have a great day!
    krisandcody2u@comcast dot net

  97. My most favorite thing to make is cards. I love being able to give them to people I care for. Thanks for sharing and for the great giveaways!

  98. My other craft is to dabble a little in sewing...just the simple stuff though!! LOL Thanks for the chance at a Awesome cart that is greatly sought after!!
    ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

  99. I love to knit; especially socks. I absolutely adore my handknit socks!! But I also love to sew and crochet. Thanks for the chance for goodies!

  100. Ohh, thanks for the give-away! I like to sew when I'm not paper-crafting.
    LizW in TX

  101. Ohh, thanks for the give-away! I like to sew when I'm not paper-crafting.
    LizW in TX

  102. This is a cute cartridge that I don't have Thanks for the giveaway. I like baking mainly making cute cupcakes. Usually for my kids b-day or for our church bakesale!!

    hil23mart at gmail dot com
    Would love it if you would follow my blog thanks !!

  103. I love to make anything and everything. I would love to see more 3d creations. What I have right now is a huge mess in a room in a corner. I have no organization right now because I am waiting on my cousin to make me a cabinet for it but who knows when I will get it. I can't find any of my things. I love all your projects and everything. Thanks for this chance trisha.

  104. hope i'm not to late
    Rebecca Minor

  105. In addition to papercrafting, I enjoy doing cross stitch. I find it very relaxing.

