Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A little squirrel with the Expression 2

Won't be long and HSN will be releasing this new Cricut Expression 2 Anniversary Edition. (April 26) so I thought I share another sample using one of the built in cartridges, Just A Note by Cosmo Cricket.

The patterned paper in the background Cosmo Cricket from the Salt Air collection.  The embossed panel in the middle is embossed with the Cuttlebug All In One and the Bloom and Grow set.  I embossed and sanded on white core cardstock then sprayed with Smooch Vanilla Spritz

 I wasn't having much luck choosing papers for the layers of the squirrel, so I  cut it entirely out of white cardstock and colored the layers with Copics.

I know there's room for more details on this card , but right now, though I felt like creating, I'm not feeling creative.... make sense?  I really just wanted to show you the cute squirrel image from the built in cartridge. I'll probably go back and add more to the card. 

On a personal note, thank you for all your incredibly sweet notes about my Mom's passing.  Your kind words, thoughts and prayers mean more than I can say.  I appreciate you all.  I'ts been just over a week and I still find it hard to believe that she's passed away ... perhaps some guilt of not being there with her in her last moments?  Perhaps just not liking the idea of no longer having a Mom? 

Thanks for stopping by today.  
Be sure to watch for the launch of this fantastic machine!!


  1. Cindy, I am so sorry about the loss of your mom! I am sending you ((HUGS)) and prayers.

    Your card is just adorable. I love the way you colored the squirrel. The embossing is so pretty, and all of the layering and accents are so cute.

  2. Cindy, my heart just breaks for you. I can't imagine and I'm so very sorry. I will be praying for your heart to heal.

  3. I think your card is cute just the way it is.
    I am anxiously awaiting my E2. Thanks for sharing projects to make with the built ins.

    Will be praying for you ~*

  4. I love your creation. I am also very sorry for your loss of your mother....but you will always have a mother. She may not be physically with you but she is always with you in your heart. Prayers and hugs your way.

  5. Your card is very cute, I like how you used markers to color in the squirrel. It is hard losing your mother, so sorry, I lost my mother 10 years ago today. My pryers are with you and your family.

  6. My heart goes out to you Cindy!... you still managed to create a beautiful card and coloring with you Copics!... I know it will not change things, but I know about guilt... my mom committed suicide and there is plenty of guilt and anger involved... took me years to be in peace, but feel closer to her now! ~Gaby

  7. So sorry for your loss Cindy and was real nice to meet you at the Stampede. Love your work, wish I had more time to get a lesson on the sewing machine. Susan

