Sunday, March 15, 2015

Come on Spring and Summer; I'm ready!

I don't know about you, but I'm really glad Spring is on it's way.  While we didn't have a ton of snow, like much of the US did, it was brutally cold with occasional ice and snow storms causing all kinds of chaos.  I'm looking forward to Summer and this year I actually got the diet going early in September with a goal to be down to my lowest weight by my birthday in 6 months - I succeeded!   The hardest part of dieting is getting in the groove. Once I get in the groove, I don't have any trouble losing weight (with a lot of discipline), but then I get too comfortable in my success and some of it creeps back on.  Think I'll try a little harder this time to keep it all off.

I've been enjoying my old stash of Penny Black stamps and coloring images, enjoying making things more often.  I had forgotten how long it takes to put a card together.  Not just the actual stitching and assembly, but the decisions on layout and components and coloring of images.

Suitable for just about any occasion, birthday, Mother's Day, just because, etc., this card is embellished with various ribbons, die cuts, a paper flower, stitching, and more. 

A coordinating inside and box to complete it.

Thanks for looking and I hope all is well in your world!


  1. Beautiful card. The flower is georgous. I'd that on a Cricut cart?

    1. Thanks, Diane! The flower is actually from a die set...Ecstasy Crafts® Joy! Crafts Cut and Emboss Die, Multi Flower 2 .

